The cause of watermelon

1. The soil is dry and the fertilizer and water are insufficient: If the fruit and water are insufficient during fruit enlargement, it is easy to form a stale fruit. Therefore, Guai must be filled with water, and the amount of water should be increased from small to large. The surface of the water must not be too long. The water should not be allowed to stay in the field for too long. Water should be poured in the evening or at night to avoid burning roots at high temperatures. In the development of watermelons in hilly areas, water storage capacity should be increased before winter, and seedling transplanting methods should be adopted to strive for early fruits and reduce the impact of drought on fruit enlargement. When the young fruit grows to the size of the egg, it is timely to swell the melon fertilizer.

2. Insufficiency of functional leaves: Generally speaking, the fruits with more leaves grow bigger and the quality is better. Therefore, a certain number of functional leaves are required for cultivation to fulfill the requirement of fruit enlargement.

3. Melon vines grow too prosperous: the production of nutrient stems and leaves grows more and consumes more, can not meet the needs of fruit enlargement, but showed a state of madness. Strong seedlings should be nurtured to lay a good foundation for the normal development of fruits. Before and after fruit setting, the swell should be adjusted according to the size of the new leaves, the thickness of the vine, the length of the internodes, and the length from the top of the vine to the opening of the female flower. Fertilizer application amount and time. If the length of the vine to the open female flower node exceeds 67 centimeters, it indicates that the melon vines grow too intensively and should inhibit their growth; if the length is less than 50 centimeters, it indicates that the melon vine grows weak and should immediately grow fertilizer and promote its growth; If its length is in the range of 50 to 67 cm, it shows that the vines grow normally.

4. When pollination, the number of male pollen applied to the head of the female stigma was insufficient, and the number of seeds had an important influence on the development of the fruit. Under the same conditions, the fruits with a large number of seeds grow large. Therefore, to choose the best time, as much as possible to give the pollen of vigor to the stigma in order to increase the number of seeds, so as to achieve the purpose of high yield.

5. Thin and thin female flowers, flowers with few hairs are not easy to set fruit after pollination, even if fruit set is difficult to grow. Therefore, the female flowers with good development, large size, and vigorous growth should be selected for pollination. The main features of high quality female flowers are thick stalks, large ovary, and normal appearance. The color is green and lustrous, dense and hairy.

6. The leaves with severe pests and diseases cannot perform photosynthesis and affect fruit development.

7. If the fruit set is too close or too far, the fruit enlargement is affected by many factors and it is frozen.

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