Iodine deficiency or iodine excess?

Source Title: Iodine deficiency or iodine excess?

May 15 is the Day of Iodine Deficiency Disease Prevention and Control. The situation of iodine deficiency in China is gradually improving. The "big-neck disease" that can be seen 20 or 30 years ago is now extremely rare, and people are starting to worry about excessive iodine intake. .

Iodine deficiency is a series of damage caused by lack of iodine in the body due to lack of iodine in the natural environment. Therefore, it appears to be regional, with relatively few iodine deficiencies in coastal areas and more mountainous regions. The content of iodine in soil varies from place to place. The overall soil iodine content in China is low. Plants grown on this soil also have low levels of iodine, and animals that eat low-iodine diets (such as sheep, cattle, dogs, rabbits, etc.) ), will also lack of iodine nutrition. Therefore, the state supplements by strengthening iodized salt.

In addition to the two typical manifestations of endemic goiter (commonly known as large neck disease) and endemic cretinism, the most important hazard is the lack of iodine affect the brain development of the fetus, resulting in children's "small stay." Iodine deficiency can also lead to miscarriage, congenital malformations and increased neonatal mortality. Women and children are the main victims of iodine deficiency.

Scientific research has found that women are more susceptible to iodine deficiency than men, and young children and adolescent children have faster growth and development, and the body needs more iodine. For physiological reasons, girls and pregnant women in puberty need iodine more, so they are very sensitive to iodine deficiency. Many patients with iodine deficiency have no obvious clinical symptoms at the early stage, and the thyroid gland has mild to moderate diffuse swelling, soft and tender.

The basic measure of prevention and control of iodine deficiency disorders is iodine supplementation. Iodine supplements include iodized salt, iodine preparations, and iodine-rich foods. The main measures for prevention and control of iodine deficiency disorders in China are to popularize iodized salt, iodized salt, and seafood, especially seaweed and seaweed.

However, in some coastal areas, fishermen relying on seafood as their staple food, as well as people in some high-iodine areas, may not need to replenish iodine by force. In addition, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, autoimmune thyroid diseases and other patients should pay attention to the strict control of iodine intake, because iodine will increase the condition. Judging whether the iodine deficiency in the body is excessive or exceeds the standard, it can be judged by examining the urine and seeing goiters.

At present, regarding the upper limit of daily safe iodine intake, the consensus of scholars in mainland China is 700-800 micrograms. Under normal circumstances, it is safe within the above maximum limits. Of course, except for iodine-sensitive and thyroid diseases. The World Health Organization recommends that the daily salt intake of 6 grams per person will ensure that the intake of iodine is met. Considering that people can take a certain amount of iodine from seaweed, seaweed and other seafood products, they will not be excessive.

However, in reality, modern people with a "heavy taste" consume an average of 10-20 grams of salt per day. "Although it does not exceed the ultra-safety value, but eating more salt is not good for the heart and brain blood vessels." Xia Pengbin said that each person daily consumption of iodized salt 6 grams to ensure that iodine nutrition is at a suitable level, do not need additional Iodine supplements, in particular, do not blindly take iodine-containing health supplements. Excessive iodine intake can have adverse health effects.

Therefore, for patients with excessive iodine levels, if you want to remove some of the iodine in the iodized salt, you can put the iodized salt you bought back into the pot and fry it, and remove most of the iodine by volatilization at high temperature.

In addition, iodine can easily evaporate when exposed to high temperature, humidity, or acidic substances such as vinegar. Therefore, families should pay attention to the following points when purchasing, storing and using iodized salt: Trademarks and iodized salt labeled with iodized salt must not be purchased at will or salted (low) iodized salt. Do not store too long. It is advisable to store the salt in a covered brown glass or porcelain jar and store it in a cool, dry place away from the fire. When using iodized salt, stir-fried vegetables and soups have a good salt-relieving effect when cooked quickly. Avoid using iodized salt to boil the pan, cook for a long time and stew. Liu Min finishing

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