Yulin Medicine City Zhiren | 广泽泻 | 藤藤 | 芦根 | Land Dragon Quotes

Guangxi Yulin Medicine Market News, February 14 (2)

Puzzles move around and the market sells at 53-54 yuan.

The number of new products listed by GFAI is not large, and the total price of goods is 9.5-10.5 yuan.

Uncatched wild resources continue to decrease, the market single hook price of 25 yuan up and down.

Lugan is not moving fast, and the market price of goods is 6-7 yuan.

Land Dragon is not listed on the stock market, the market price of goods 60-65 yuan.

Attachment: The price of Zhiyiren in the recent drug market has been reduced to a total of 50-52 yuan. Yulin Pharmaceutical City 2012-01-13

About 52 yuan. Luzhou Drug Market 2011-12-12

EC goods 52-53 yuan. Anguo Pharmaceutical City 2011-12-12

Prices will continue to firm, ECS 53 yuan from top to bottom. Anguo Pharmaceutical City 2011-09-23

Yizhiren, sources of goods to move around, ECS 50 up and down. Yulin Pharmaceutical City 2011-09-14

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