There are five tricks

First, raising a species of pheasant selected breeding species require fur light, consistent dorsum and color, short hair, hair peak, hair is flush, high density, uniform distribution, soft hair, good elasticity, hair slightly longer than hair , Aster without white hair, white spots. This kind of fur is of good quality.

Second, do a good breeding breeding management, breeding once a year, 2 to 3 months each year, estrus, breeding. Therefore, the species will enter the breeding season in late January. During the breeding period, it is necessary to ensure the supply of high-quality refined feed for males and males. More than 80% of animal feed such as fresh blood, eggs, milk, and fish accounts for more than 80% of the total. At the same time, it will increase the use of yin and yang drugs, Liuwei Dihuang Wan, Yin Lei and Vitamin E, and Vitamin B. Vitamin C and so on. It is necessary to eliminate inbreeding and prevent degeneration. In the late gestation period of the mother-in-law, it is necessary to guarantee the supply of high-quality feed. When the animals are slaughtered, organs containing sex hormones such as adrenal glands and pituitary glands are removed to prevent the occurrence of stillbirths or abortions after the gravida.

Third, pay attention to insulation, improve the survival rate of the daughter lice. After birth, put hot water bottle insulation on the upper and lower sides of the childbirth box to increase the survival rate of the child lice.

Fourth, the prevention of disease is generally during the period of rapid growth and development of juveniles (July to August), high temperatures, high air humidity, feed is susceptible to deterioration, paralyzed prone to gastrointestinal diseases. Should dig fresh purslane, sorrel, psyllium, violet, dandelion and other herbs to feed feed. In this way, feed costs can be reduced, heatstroke can be prevented, and gastrointestinal infectious diseases such as enteritis and dysentery can be prevented. From June to July, vaccines such as canine distemper, paratyphoid fever and pasteurella should be administered to prevent infectious diseases. The site of the vaccine injection is in the medial posterior thigh.

5. During the hair replacement period, strengthen the nutrition and enter the hair replacement period. In addition to feeding high-quality concentrate feed, add vegetable oil (bean oil, peanut oil, etc.) and vitamin B2 to the feed, and feed 10 mg per day.

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Fresh Apricot,Organic Navel Oranges,Mandarin Orange,Sweet Citrus

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