Winter plough can eliminate cotton bollworm

Plowing in winter is not only an important measure to increase cotton production, but also an effective method to eliminate overwintering bollworms. According to research, cotton bollworms generally spend more than 2.5 to 6 centimeters from the ground (up to a depth of 9 centimeters) to pupate overwintering, and winter plowing has a variety of killing effects on bollworms: 1 destroys the diverticulum and changes the natural state of the carcass. Reduce the eclosion rate of late spring; 2 Turn some of the worms to the surface to make them dead, frozen or eaten by natural enemies; 3 Turn some worms into the deep layers of the soil so that they cannot be normally feathered and become suffocated. To reduce the source of overwintering insects, the technical requirements are as follows. 1. Winter tillage time The sooner winter plowing time is, the better. Generally, after the harvest of the former crop, it must be carried out. Before the earth is frozen (the permafrost layer exceeds 5 cm), it can be cultivated to prolong the weathering time and improve the pest control effect. It is good for accepting rain and snow. After the land is frozen and ploughed, not only the farming is difficult, but also the quality of the cultivated land is reduced, and the pest control effect is also poor. 2. The cultivator combines hoeing and plowing before winter plowing. After ploughing and then smashing and smashing, the water can be stored and the hoppers can be killed. According to investigations, winter plowing in the cotton fields can kill 76% to 85.6% of the cotton bollworms. After the winter plowing, pupae are buried deep in the soil and the survival rate can be reduced by 86.4% to 92.5%. According to another survey conducted by the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, after the winter tills, the water level in the 5 cm soil layer was 16.4% in the spring and only 8.2% in the last one. 3. Plowing depth The depth of winter plowing should be more than 10 cm. The deeper the winter plowing, the better the pest control effect. 4. Irrigation after ploughing: Winter ploughing followed by winter or spring irrigation can not only sink and weather the soil, but also increase the mortality rate of overwintering lice. According to a study by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, when the relative soil moisture content is 40%, the mortality rate of Heliothis armigera is 35.7%, and the emergence rate of adults is 40%. When the soil moisture content is 70%, the mortality rate of Helicoverpa armigera is 463%. The eclosion rate was 33.3%; when the soil moisture content was saturated, the mortality rate of pupa was 100%. According to other data, the mortality rate of winter bollworm wintering is about 80% for winter plowing winter irrigation, 60% to 70% wintering mortality rate for plots that are not cultivated, and only 30% to 40% for non-irrigated plots. %. In addition, due to the strong fly ability of adults of Helicoverpa armigera, winter plowing and disinfestation must be conducted in large areas to be effective. In addition to the reserved cotton fields, wheat fields are planted in rows and orchards are also planted in winter.

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